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Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) and FRAND: A Delicate Balance in Innovation
Introduction Technologies like 5G, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth have become integral to daily life in today’s connected world and the standards that enable these technologies are vital. These standards ensure that devices and systems can communicate and work together seamlessly, regardless of the creator. However, the creation and implementation of these standards involve a complex interplay … Continue reading Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) and FRAND: A Delicate Balance in Innovation
Read more »Doctrine Of Equivalents: An Approach To Analyse Patent Infringement
Introduction The advancement of new technologies throughout time has led to an unprecedented increase in patent-related conflicts. A patent is granted by a patent office, which is a monopoly right for a novel, useful, and non-obvious innovation. A patent holder has the right to prevent others from using their invention, and they are entitled to reasonable … Continue reading Doctrine Of Equivalents: An Approach To Analyse Patent Infringement
Read more »Daimler AG and Avanci enters patent licensing deal
Daimler AG has entered an agreement with patent licensing pool Avanci covering standard-essential 4G patents. Avanci acts as a one-stop marketplace for standard-essential patents owned by 47 companies, including Ericsson and Qualcomm, which cover 4G, 3G and 2G technology used in connected vehicles. Avanci last year launched a new patent pool for the auto industry … Continue reading Daimler AG and Avanci enters patent licensing deal
Everyday, a number of products are being invented all over the world, some cascading over the improvement of existing inventions, and the others, portraying a unique set of methods and products unknown to man at large. Simultaneously, there is an eruption of infringements that remain unnoticed or noticed following an incredulous load of proceedings and … Continue reading FRAND-ING PATENT LICENSES AND ITS IMPLICATION IN LANDMARK CASES IN INDIA
Read more »Technology Transfer/Licensing Opportunity of Crop/Agri Technologies with Syngenta
IIPRD is among the leading Indian IP Consulting Firms focusing on Technology Transfer and Licensing for numerous Indian and Global Corporates and Research Institutes. IIPRD is highly active in the Technology Transfer and Licensing of Patent Backed Technologies/IP’s in the domains of Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences, Diagnostics, Biotechnology, Telecommunications, Software and Medical Devices among others. Syngenta is … Continue reading Technology Transfer/Licensing Opportunity of Crop/Agri Technologies with Syngenta
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