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State Sovereignty in The Contemporary World
INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS The very notion of sovereignty is, by its nature, closely related to the birth and growth of the modern nation-state system. The Westphalian model of international relations, dating back to the 17th century, had definitely established the concept of state sovereignty as the basis of the international order. The Westphalian model, that placed … Continue reading State Sovereignty in The Contemporary World
Read more »Power Play of Electoral Bonds
Introduction After 7 years of introduction of the electoral bonds schemesupreme courtstruck down the act on February 15th, 2024, it was brought down by the NDA government in 2018, former minister Arun Jaitley introduced the bill in the parliament by describing this scheme will provide confidentiality, privacy to the donor this bond din’t have any … Continue reading Power Play of Electoral Bonds
Read more »Singapore Convention: Challenges In Cross Border Mediation
INTRODUCTION The Singapore Convention on Mediation also known as the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation passed in December 2018 and effectiveness as of September 12,2020.[1] It is to facilitate the contract incorporation model for the enforcement of the international settlement agreements which stem from the mediation to encourage mediation as … Continue reading Singapore Convention: Challenges In Cross Border Mediation
Read more »The Fire Tragedy at Jhansi Medical College : A Call for Urgent Reforms in Hospital Fire Safety Standards
Introduction A fire broke out in the neonatal intensive care unit of the Jhansi Medical College, Uttar Pradesh, on November 15, 2024. Eleven infants died in the blaze-10 from burns and asphyxiation and one from unrelated pre-existing medical conditions. It put the nation in shock,and put forward questions on safety standards,negligence,and accountability in hospitals. While … Continue reading The Fire Tragedy at Jhansi Medical College : A Call for Urgent Reforms in Hospital Fire Safety Standards
Read more »Adultery in Modern India
ABSTRACT: The article dives into the significance of marriage and the repercussions of adultery, specifically its impact on Indian society. It underscores the critical roles of trust and loyalty between spouses. The Indian Penal Code’s Section 497, which was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2018 [3], has been a significant legal issue in … Continue reading Adultery in Modern India
Read more »Inevitable Negative Consequence of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine
Introduction The “Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine” often stands at the crossroads between corporate protectionism and individual rights in employment law. At least on the outset, the doctrine appears to be necessary to protect proprietary information from abuse through the movability of employees into competing companies. However, on closer inspection, it reflects an undesirable picture: the doctrine … Continue reading Inevitable Negative Consequence of the Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine
Read more »Balancing Patent Rights and Societal Interests: Interpreting Articles 20, 7, and 8 in Light of TRIPS
The rationale for the exception will vary with purpose for which it is granted. However, in the previous article 30, it has already been explained that these justifying reasons come from numerous sources such as Articles 7 and 8(1), the Doha Declaration and GATT 1994 and TRIPS opening declarations. Just like Article 20 does not … Continue reading Balancing Patent Rights and Societal Interests: Interpreting Articles 20, 7, and 8 in Light of TRIPS
Read more »Non-Payment of Dues by Companies: Civil or Criminal Wrong? Insights from Calcutta High Court Ruling
INTRODUCTION The Calcutta High Court recently addressed this important question in its judgement in the case of Dasrathbhai Narsangbhai Chaudhary and Another Versus the State of West Bengal and Another. Through this case, the court further clarified the line between civil and criminal wrongs by analysing the facts of the case and reiterating the judgements … Continue reading Non-Payment of Dues by Companies: Civil or Criminal Wrong? Insights from Calcutta High Court Ruling
Read more »Paper Leak: Law to Combat the Issue
Introduction Competitive exams in India are not just a means to get a job, rather they signify a much deeper meaning. They are a means through which people improve their social status, and standard of living. A large section of our country is poor and the only way they think they can improve their status … Continue reading Paper Leak: Law to Combat the Issue
Read more »Analysis of The TMKOC Case: John Doe Orders and their Necessity in the Entertainment Industry
Introduction TMKOC which stands for Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashma is one of the most reputed and long-running TV Shows. It occupies a very special place in people’s hearts as it is a sitcom based on ordinary -middle-class people and depicts situations to which people can relate. The show was created by Asit Kumarr Modi and … Continue reading Analysis of The TMKOC Case: John Doe Orders and their Necessity in the Entertainment Industry
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