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IIPRD is among the leading Indian IP Consulting Firms focusing on Technology Transfer and Licensing for numerous Indian and Global Corporates and Research Institutes. IIPRD is highly active in the Technology Transfer and Licensing of Patent Backed Technologies/IP’s in the domains of Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences, Diagnostics, Biotechnology, Telecommunications, Software and Medical Devices among others.
Syngenta is one of the world’s leading companies with more than 26,000 employees in over 90 countries and has a core focus on agri-business committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology.
Syngenta is looking for innovative technologies in specific grower solutions domain and is interested in partnership as well as in-licensing/buying technologies. It is an excellent opportunity for the Indian/ Foreign companies, Universities and Institutes for technology transfer/out-licensing/commercialization of their technologies in the following technology areas.
Types of opportunities that are of interest to Syngenta:
- Access to technology (e.g. purchase or license)
- Collaborative proposals
- New products or concepts for agriculture or lawn and garden
Syngenta is primarily looking for grower solutions comprising genetics, chemistry and/or adjacent technologies for core crops in the areas of:
- Weed control
- Disease control
- Insect control
- Nematode control
- Abiotic stress tolerance (e.g. drought, heat, nitrogen)
- Breakthrough yield
- Output quality (e.g. shelf life, taste, etc.)
In order to achieve this, Syngenta is also interested in enabling technologies supporting:
- Formulation technologies
- Application technology
- Precision agriculture
- Seed technologies (seed coating, seed priming, etc)
- Breeding technologies (double haploids, hybridization systems, quantitative genetics, etc.)
- Phenotyping technologies for field, greenhouse and lab
- Bioinformatics
- Omics (genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, epigenetics, etc.)
- Genome engineering (plant transformation, recombination, trait stacking, RNAi, etc.)
- Expression technologies
- Analytical techniques (small molecule, protein, polymer)
- Logistics (seed sowing, liquid handling, sample handling, data capture)
- Modeling (chemical design, environmental studies, field resistance)
- Chemical process technology.
IIPRD requests all the interested companies/institutes/individuals having the above mentioned technologies to write us at commercialization@iiprd.com or Dayanand@iiprd.com and share the non-confidential data of the same with so that we can, if desired, take forward the discussion with Syngenta for a potential licensing opportunity.