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Laws governing Gig Economy in India
Introduction The phrase “gig worker” describes a person who accepts a temporary job that must be finished in a specific amount of time under unusual working conditions. On the other hand, “platform workers” generally refers to employees who work for companies that offer services to customers directly through web-based platforms. Temporary workers’ share of the … Continue reading Laws governing Gig Economy in India
Read more »Critical Analysis Of Rules Regulating Online Gaming
Introduction Online gaming is a vast and rapidly expanding industry, with millions of people around the world participating in a wide variety of games on a daily basis. In recent years, there has been an increasing recognition of the need for regulations to help ensure the safety and fairness of online gaming, and to protect … Continue reading Critical Analysis Of Rules Regulating Online Gaming
Read more »Factors Of Disruption In Economic Growth: Inefficacy In Due Diligence By Banks
OVERVIEW Factors Of Disruption In Economic Growth , Financial institutes play a vital role in the upliftment of the economy of any country as they are managers of the most powerful instrument that helps in the functioning of the whole economy, i.e., money. The financial sector broadly includes commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, and … Continue reading Factors Of Disruption In Economic Growth: Inefficacy In Due Diligence By Banks
Read more »The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Economic Development
Introduction Intellectual Property is that property that is developed by the human mind and by human intellect. Now intellectual property and rights attached to intellectual property are becoming very precious and valuable. In India, there are well-established administrative, statutory, and Judicial frameworks for protecting IPR. India has to comply with the Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual … Continue reading The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Economic Development
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