Tag: Copyright Protection

The Use Of Deep Fake

“The police are prosecuting on the effect of the deep fake and not because it is a deep fake itself” According to policy researchers at Digital Futures Lab in Goa, Indian regulations do not currently provide a precise definition of “deepfakes” The Information Technology Act and laws prohibiting defamation, fake news and invasions of privacy … Continue reading The Use Of Deep Fake

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Unlocking Public Domain: Mickey’s Future After Winnie The Pooh’s Legacy Of Blood And Honey

Introduction Once upon a time there lived a princess named Cinderella, once radiant in beauty in her voice, her walk, beauty all around her. She met a prince fell in love, got married and lived happily ever after. Till 2046. But why till 2046?  Because the shield (Copyright) protecting her ended and now she is … Continue reading Unlocking Public Domain: Mickey’s Future After Winnie The Pooh’s Legacy Of Blood And Honey

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What Constitutes a Groundless Threat under Section 60 of the Copyrights Act, 1957?

Groundless threat, as the name suggests, is a threat to an alleged infringer by the copyright claimant, without actually instituting any suit or action against the infringer. The Copyright Act, of 1957 (herein referred to as “the Act”), provides for civil as well as criminal remedies to an aggrieved party against acts of infringement. By … Continue reading What Constitutes a Groundless Threat under Section 60 of the Copyrights Act, 1957?

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Understanding The Concept Of ‘Royalties’ And ‘Copyright Society In The Indian Film Industry

Introduction ‘Copyright’ is the right of the creator of the work to claim all rights against the unauthorised use of their work.. It gives the exclusive right to the author to claim all the rights over his work and excludes anyone from using the benefit of the work without the approval of the author. The … Continue reading Understanding The Concept Of ‘Royalties’ And ‘Copyright Society In The Indian Film Industry

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Copyright Protection For Fictional Characters

Introduction Intellectual Property Rights are the legal rights vested with an investor to protect his invention, provided that it satisfies the criteria of non-obviousness, global novelty, and industrial or commercial application for some time. They give exclusive rights to the creator. Originally, only patents, trademarks, and industrial designs were protected. Now, a wider meaning has … Continue reading Copyright Protection For Fictional Characters

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Tangible Fixation And Preclusion Of Emphemeral Art

Introduction Art is considered to be a gift to mankind, it has been there since the time immemorial with humans from Madhubani wall paintings of Mithila in 7th century BCE to graffiti of 21st century, art has developed its forms. It is believed that art embodies great influence on human life it is a form … Continue reading Tangible Fixation And Preclusion Of Emphemeral Art

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Copyright Infringement : Sony Pictures Seek Injunction Against Unauthorized Use

Copyright is an essentially important exclusive right giving only the company authority to make use of to whom such right is granted and any unauthorized use of the same would amount to infringement of the copyright. Copyright ensures protection for the work done by a person, restricting any other person to take credits for the … Continue reading Copyright Infringement : Sony Pictures Seek Injunction Against Unauthorized Use

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Can Technicalities In The Copyright, Be Allowed To Water Down The Original Artwork

Lord of Rings : Rings of Power is a series of 5 seasons streaming on Amazon Prime Videos, streaming from 1st September, 2022. This series is most expensive television series ever made. The fans of Lord of the Rings rejoiced when the show was announced as it was publicised that Rings of Power will depict … Continue reading Can Technicalities In The Copyright, Be Allowed To Water Down The Original Artwork

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Protecting Creations Through Moral Rights | Amar Nath Sehgal’s 13 Year Long Battle

Introduction Of The Case Copyright, along with patent and trademark law, is one of the three basic disciplines of contemporary intellectual property law. Overshadowed historically by the economic value of patents and trademarks, the plaintiff, who believed that there can be no beauty without a soul, had brought this case in the hope that the … Continue reading Protecting Creations Through Moral Rights | Amar Nath Sehgal’s 13 Year Long Battle

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Copyright Protection in Myanmar

Intellectual Property Rights play a crucial role in any country’s economic or commercial arena. The owners or creators are entitled to the exclusive monopoly rights on their brand identity as well as the creations. The business owners and the artists tend not to carry on their functions and innovations in the countries that do not … Continue reading Copyright Protection in Myanmar

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