Tag: Copyright Infringement

Idea-Expression Dichotomy in Copyright: Judicial Rulings and Merger Doctrine

Abstract Idea expression is the fundamental principle of copyright. This is also given in TRIPS, WIPO Copyright Treaty. Through this article, we will discuss the concept of Idea expression dichotomy, merger doctrine, and Scenes a Faire. We will also discuss the reasoning of the court while deciding the matter of idea-expression dichotomy. We will see … Continue reading Idea-Expression Dichotomy in Copyright: Judicial Rulings and Merger Doctrine

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Unlocking Public Domain: Mickey’s Future After Winnie The Pooh’s Legacy Of Blood And Honey

Introduction Once upon a time there lived a princess named Cinderella, once radiant in beauty in her voice, her walk, beauty all around her. She met a prince fell in love, got married and lived happily ever after. Till 2046. But why till 2046?  Because the shield (Copyright) protecting her ended and now she is … Continue reading Unlocking Public Domain: Mickey’s Future After Winnie The Pooh’s Legacy Of Blood And Honey

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What Constitutes a Groundless Threat under Section 60 of the Copyrights Act, 1957?

Groundless threat, as the name suggests, is a threat to an alleged infringer by the copyright claimant, without actually instituting any suit or action against the infringer. The Copyright Act, of 1957 (herein referred to as “the Act”), provides for civil as well as criminal remedies to an aggrieved party against acts of infringement. By … Continue reading What Constitutes a Groundless Threat under Section 60 of the Copyrights Act, 1957?

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Bombay High Court Allows Release Of The Film “I Love You” Pending Reply By The Defendants

“I love you” is a Hindi movie that is directed by Nikhil Mahajan which is set to be released on 16 June, 2023 on Viacom 18’s OTT platform. The plaintiff, Lions Gate India LLP through their counsel filed an interim application no. 15729 of 2023 in Commercial IP Suit no. 15713 of 2023 seeking an … Continue reading Bombay High Court Allows Release Of The Film “I Love You” Pending Reply By The Defendants

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A Critical Analysis On The Determination Of Copyright Infringement In Sound-Alike Songs With Reference To “Ed Sheeren Vs Sami Chokri

Introduction Humans and music have been entwined from the beginning of time. Various kinds of expression are subject to an identical criterion for copyright infringement. However, because of its distinctive characteristics, musical expressiveness presents significant difficulties for courts adjudicating infringement issues. Contrary to literature or physical manifestations of art such as paintings and sculptures, music is … Continue reading A Critical Analysis On The Determination Of Copyright Infringement In Sound-Alike Songs With Reference To “Ed Sheeren Vs Sami Chokri

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Samir Kasal V. Prashant Mehta & Ors: Decrypting The Conundrum Conflux Of Copyright And Confidentiality Over Cricket

Introduction The multifaceted pursuit of undue capitalistic gains has for decades posed a colossal threat to intellectual autonomy, the daunting effects of which ruthlessly trickled down to the burgeoning infringement of innovation in the past. In furtherance of such interest, the absence of a definite judicial advertence that paralleled immunity against such allied transgressional oversights … Continue reading Samir Kasal V. Prashant Mehta & Ors: Decrypting The Conundrum Conflux Of Copyright And Confidentiality Over Cricket

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Copyright Protection For Fictional Characters

Introduction Intellectual Property Rights are the legal rights vested with an investor to protect his invention, provided that it satisfies the criteria of non-obviousness, global novelty, and industrial or commercial application for some time. They give exclusive rights to the creator. Originally, only patents, trademarks, and industrial designs were protected. Now, a wider meaning has … Continue reading Copyright Protection For Fictional Characters

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Copyright Infringement : Sony Pictures Seek Injunction Against Unauthorized Use

Copyright is an essentially important exclusive right giving only the company authority to make use of to whom such right is granted and any unauthorized use of the same would amount to infringement of the copyright. Copyright ensures protection for the work done by a person, restricting any other person to take credits for the … Continue reading Copyright Infringement : Sony Pictures Seek Injunction Against Unauthorized Use

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A Legal Tussle Between Audiobooks And Audio Summary : A Critical Analysis

INTRODUCTION Copyright is an integral part of the Intellectual Property Right regime in today’s era. Copyright gives an exclusive right to the creator of any literary, artistic or dramatic work etc. once it has been put in tangible form by the owner. An exclusive right for usage is given to the first owner[1] under which … Continue reading A Legal Tussle Between Audiobooks And Audio Summary : A Critical Analysis

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Neetu Singh & Anr. V. Telegram FZ LLC & Ors. (2022) : An analysis of Intermediary Liability in Copyright Infringement

Introduction In the pervasive era of digitalization, intermediary liability has become an intensely contested topic. The Information Technology Act, 2002, under Section 2(w), defines intermediary as – “Intermediary with respect to any particular electronic message means any person who on behalf of another person receives, stores or transmits that message or provides any service with … Continue reading Neetu Singh & Anr. V. Telegram FZ LLC & Ors. (2022) : An analysis of Intermediary Liability in Copyright Infringement

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