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Dabur vs. Dhruv Rathee
Introduction Dabur claimed that Dhruv Rathee’s video unfairly compared carbonated drinks with ready-to-serve (RTS) fruit beverages, causing a generic disparagement of all packaged drinking fruit juices. Dabur also alleged that the video specifically targeted its Real fruit juices by using partially blurred Real logos and promotional advertising clips. The court recognized that while dissemination of … Continue reading Dabur vs. Dhruv Rathee
Read more »An overview of the different sources of incomes on YouTube
Introduction YouTube has paid nearly $30 billion to creators, artists, and media organizations over the last three years. In 2019, T Series became the first YouTube channel to cross 100 million users. Few YouTubers have since crossed the number which many creators saw as impossible to reach. However, despite the fact that YouTube is paying … Continue reading An overview of the different sources of incomes on YouTube
Read more »Aaj Tak vs Newslaundry: Restriction or Criticism
The Indian media has evidently touched its new law after Aaj Tak has claimed against the media watchdog Newslaundry to prevent former’s criticism of news reportage. After this criticism by Newslaundry, allegedly, an impression that the TV Today Network (that owns Aaj Tak and India Today) is involved in broadcasting and publishing fake news and … Continue reading Aaj Tak vs Newslaundry: Restriction or Criticism
Read more »A Comprehensive Review of Amazon Project Zero ( Anti- Counterfeiting Initiative) , Analysis in detail of the Policy, Issues, Takedown Mechanism and its Applicability in India
Introduction India is one of the world’s fastest growing online commerce markets with multi-national giants like Amazon and Walmart’s Flipkart fighting for dominance. Recently, the Indian Government came up with new regulations on e-commerce which require these e-commerce websites to treat all vendors equally, owning inventory, effectively barring foreign companies from featuring exclusive products on their … Continue reading A Comprehensive Review of Amazon Project Zero ( Anti- Counterfeiting Initiative) , Analysis in detail of the Policy, Issues, Takedown Mechanism and its Applicability in India
Read more »Viacom vs. YouTube
Technology seems to have found its place in the courtrooms also, these days. Viacom, an American global mass media company, sued YouTube, a video-sharing site owned by Google on the basis that YouTube had indulged in rampant intentional copyright infringement of videos which were originally owned by Viacom. This suit was for a mind boggling … Continue reading Viacom vs. YouTube
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