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Myanmar’s Foreign Currency Restrictions
Introduction Government-imposed restrictions on the purchase and/or sale of currencies are known as exchange controls. By limiting currency inflows and outflows, which can lead to exchange rate volatility, these regulations help governments better stabilize their economies. The 14th article of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund states that only nations with ‘transitional … Continue reading Myanmar’s Foreign Currency Restrictions
Read more »Copyright Protection in Myanmar
Intellectual Property Rights play a crucial role in any country’s economic or commercial arena. The owners or creators are entitled to the exclusive monopoly rights on their brand identity as well as the creations. The business owners and the artists tend not to carry on their functions and innovations in the countries that do not … Continue reading Copyright Protection in Myanmar
Read more »Electronic Trademark Registration in Myanmar
The Ministry of Commerce (MoC), on 28th August 2020, announced that the “soft opening period” shall begin from 1st October 2020, to refile trademarks under the new Trademarks Act. The period shall be available to the trademark owners who are registered under the old trademarks law of the country and the one who intend to … Continue reading Electronic Trademark Registration in Myanmar
Read more »The Budding Patent Law in Myanmar
Myanmar, also known as Burma, a least developed country in mainland South-East Asia, is still in its embryonic phase of Intellectual Property Laws. The country is not presently a signatory to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or any other treaty protecting patents. The Burma Patents and Designs (Emergency Provisions) Act 1946 … Continue reading The Budding Patent Law in Myanmar
For the past few years, the nation of Myanmar has been proactively working on the implementation of its first ever formal trademark law, keeping in mind that the new law will overhaul the nation’s legal framework to encourage and motivate the industries and businesses to come and invest and grow in the country [1]. The … Continue reading MYANMAR: NEW TRADEMARK LAW EXPECTED TO BE ENACTED IN 2017
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