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Evolution of Alternate Dispute Resolution: Indian Perspective
Introduction We live in a society made up of individuals. People with different views, different opinions, different cultures, different languages, and a variety of other differences. As a result, when all of these disparities are combined, it is ubiquitous for disputes to arise. After the independence of India and with the abolition of the Privy … Continue reading Evolution of Alternate Dispute Resolution: Indian Perspective
Read more »Mandatory Pre-Institution Mediation In India
Introduction An alternative dispute resolution method called mediation uses a third party or group of third parties to assist in reaching a mutually acceptable settlement. This type of ADR mechanism has roots that go back as far as human history is known. Due to its low cost, ease of use, and efficiency, mediation was avidly … Continue reading Mandatory Pre-Institution Mediation In India
Read more »Arbitration : A Perspective
Arbitration is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution. ADR methods enjoy significant advantages such as lower costs, greater flexibility of process, higher confidentiality, greater likelihood of settlement, choice of forum, choice of solutions etc. Having said that one of the most popular widely recognised and practised forms of ADR is Arbitration. Arbitration Law in India … Continue reading Arbitration : A Perspective
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