Tag: litigation

Legal Considerations of Air Pollution in Light of the Bhopal Gas Disaster

Abstract A pristine environment is fundamental for sustaining life on Earth. Early human societies thrived with abundant natural resources and a profound reverence for the environment, including rivers, mountains, trees, and plants. However, on December 2nd, 1984, the tranquil town of Bhopal was thrust into chaos due to a catastrophic incident at Union Carbide Plant … Continue reading Legal Considerations of Air Pollution in Light of the Bhopal Gas Disaster

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Evolution of Alternate Dispute Resolution: Indian Perspective

Introduction We live in a society made up of individuals. People with different views, different opinions, different cultures, different languages, and a variety of other differences. As a result, when all of these disparities are combined, it is ubiquitous for disputes to arise. After the independence of India and with the abolition of the Privy … Continue reading Evolution of Alternate Dispute Resolution: Indian Perspective

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Hon’ble Commercial Court at Bengaluru passes an Ad Interim Ex-Parte Order safeguarding the confidential information of a dual powertrain vehicle kits manufacturer

ABSTRACT The Hon’ble Commercial Court at Bengaluru passed an Ad Interim Ex-Parte Order in the favour of the plaintiff who had filed an application under Order XXXIX, Rule 1 and 2 read with section 151 of CPC, seeking injunction on the defendant “from disclosing, disposing or offering for sale any confidential information and materials obtained … Continue reading Hon’ble Commercial Court at Bengaluru passes an Ad Interim Ex-Parte Order safeguarding the confidential information of a dual powertrain vehicle kits manufacturer

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Extent of Pro Bono Activities in Indian Law Firms: A Profound Study

Even though the impact of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG) – 1991, particularly globalization in the backdrop of the specific regulatory, historical, economic, and socio cultural milieu, India had “dialectical complexity” of the interaction between global and local forces resulting in distinctively Indian vision of pro bono law firms. Beliefs such as “giving back” and … Continue reading Extent of Pro Bono Activities in Indian Law Firms: A Profound Study

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Cybersquatting & Regulatory Mechanisms

Cyber Squatting is a word that has come to be linked with the registration of domain names without the objective of using them, in the names of popular brands or personalities exclusively for the purpose of making money. The crux is that “name” belongs more appropriately to another entity. Secondly, the registrant is targeting to … Continue reading Cybersquatting & Regulatory Mechanisms

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S.D. Containers Indore v. M/s Mold Tek Packaging- Supreme Court Hears Transfer Case

The Hon’ble Supreme Court, recently in the case of S.D. Containers Indore v. M/s Mold Tek Packaging, [i] clarified the ambit of certain important provisions of the Design Act, 2000, and the Commercial Courts Act, 2015. Brief Facts of the case: The Plaintiff/Respondent had initially filed a suit for declaration, and to obtain a permanent … Continue reading S.D. Containers Indore v. M/s Mold Tek Packaging- Supreme Court Hears Transfer Case

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Delhi High Court – Proposed Patent Rules

The Delhi High Court recently divulged into seeking suggestions and comments from members of the Bar in to draft rules to govern Patent Suits. The invitation to make suggestions to the proposed “The High Court of Delhi Rules Governing Patent Suits, 2020” are to be sent to the office of the Registrar General at jrrules.dhc@gov.in, within 4 … Continue reading Delhi High Court – Proposed Patent Rules

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Fighting With Infodemic Is The Need Of An Hour: Covid-19 Pandemic

At the very outset, TikTok reportedly censors materials globally which is deemed politically sensitive to the Chinese Communist Party, including content related to the recent Hong Kong protests, as well as references to Tiananmen Square, Tibetan and Taiwanese independence, and the treatment of Uighurs. I suggest the reading of https://www.lawfareblog.com/unpacking-tiktok-mobile-apps-and-national-security-risks to know more on how … Continue reading Fighting With Infodemic Is The Need Of An Hour: Covid-19 Pandemic

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Arbitration : A Perspective

Arbitration is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution. ADR methods enjoy significant advantages such as lower costs, greater flexibility of process, higher confidentiality, greater likelihood of settlement, choice of forum, choice of solutions etc. Having said that one of the most popular widely recognised and practised forms of ADR is Arbitration. Arbitration Law in India … Continue reading Arbitration : A Perspective

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Avoid A Bad Lawyer Representing Your Case By Studying This Piece On “How To Choose A Lawyer”

DESCRIPTION It has been generally noticed that more often than not many problems snowball into a very complicated one just because of the ignorance of ‘how to choose the right lawyer?’ The purpose of this article is to impart knowledge, provide information and enthuse confidence among those who are at helms of the lawyers, so … Continue reading Avoid A Bad Lawyer Representing Your Case By Studying This Piece On “How To Choose A Lawyer”

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