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Performer’s Rights under Copyright Act
Introduction According to [1]Section 2(qq) of the Copyrights Act, a “performer” is defined as someone who engages in various artistic activities, including the ones who perform dace, singing, acrobatics, conjuring activities, snake charming, delivering a lecture and others involved in making performances. Under India’s Copyright Act of 1957, performance rights were established in 1994. However, … Continue reading Performer’s Rights under Copyright Act
Read more »Samir Kasal V. Prashant Mehta & Ors: Decrypting The Conundrum Conflux Of Copyright And Confidentiality Over Cricket
Introduction The multifaceted pursuit of undue capitalistic gains has for decades posed a colossal threat to intellectual autonomy, the daunting effects of which ruthlessly trickled down to the burgeoning infringement of innovation in the past. In furtherance of such interest, the absence of a definite judicial advertence that paralleled immunity against such allied transgressional oversights … Continue reading Samir Kasal V. Prashant Mehta & Ors: Decrypting The Conundrum Conflux Of Copyright And Confidentiality Over Cricket
Read more »Intellectual Property Rights : Protection of Fashion Designs in India
Introduction With the general popularity of private brands, Indian consumers are looking for ways to access fashion companies, thanks to increased media exposure, more awareness, goals, and a larger share of disposable cash. For these fashion companies, it is not easy to keep the business afloat with the spiralling competition. In order to consistently progress, … Continue reading Intellectual Property Rights : Protection of Fashion Designs in India
Read more »First Owner of Copyright
Copyright is a sui generis right, a right which is unique and exists immediately upon its creation. The first owner plays a significant role and is accountable for both registration and enforcement as the owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to assign, prevent usage and monetize from his original works. OWNER OF THE WORK The … Continue reading First Owner of Copyright
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