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Fresh Amendments to the Copyright Rules: Are these enough?
A new amendment in the copyright rules has been in the works since 2019. The Department of Industry and Internal Trade had proposed the rules with the aim of increasing efficiency in the procedural law. The last amendment happened in 2016 when “services” were brought under the purview of the copyright act. However, as technology … Continue reading Fresh Amendments to the Copyright Rules: Are these enough?
Read more »Patentability of Computer Programmes with Technical effect & Contribution: In Light of FeridAllani v. UOI
The issue of patentability of computer programmes has been fluxed with puzzlement since ages. Through this blog we will dig into the concept addressing the topic of patentability of computer programmes with technical effect and contribution and analyse the meaning behind the suffix ‘per se’ added to computer programmes in the patents act, 1970, in … Continue reading Patentability of Computer Programmes with Technical effect & Contribution: In Light of FeridAllani v. UOI
Read more »Snapshot of the Latest Examination Guidelines for Computer-Related Inventions (CRIs) in India – Feb 2016
Indian Patent Office (IPO) has come up with another set of revised guidelines indicating how CRIs would be examined in India. This piece is a quick update and summary of the guidelines, although practically speaking, nothing much has really changed as regards the interpretation of the statute Section 3(k) is concerned and the tests mentioned … Continue reading Snapshot of the Latest Examination Guidelines for Computer-Related Inventions (CRIs) in India – Feb 2016
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