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The origin of AI is in the IT industry, and its usage has drastically increased in every sector. Specifically, if we talk about the media and entertainment industries, AI is used in multiple layers, from content creation to the distribution of the content and how it has to be presented to the audience. Everything is driven by AI. It is one of the reasons for the evolution of the media and entertainment industry since its data-driven insights help in understanding the center point of the market and delivering the content on the same pitch, which is commendable. This operational practice has been adopted by many companies to increase their user base; if we talk about the global level, 98% of companies rely on these data-driven insights.
Application Of Ai In Empowering Media
The contribution of AI in the media sector is unpredictable. It increases the workflow at a very fast rate, and media companies take advantage of AI in different ways, like personalization, content creation, distribution, etc. Let’s talk about some of the usages of AI in media.
Content Automation
It is very evident that AI has transformed the production of media content. It has accelerated the process of content creation. When we think of AI, it comes to mind that the content must be repetitive. This is true, but to some extent only because AI is capable of much more than that. Creating synchronised content for which the consumer is searching is one of the viable features of AI in automated content creation, and this is done by using Natural Language processing (NLP) and the process of text analysis. It can also be used to create contents for news stories, blog platforms, and other online platforms. It also helps in mass production, reducing the need for manual labour.
[Image Sources : Shutterstock]
It is technically not possible to make personalised contents using AI, but how AI works for both social media and e-commerce is using demographics. AI simply reads the minds of people and looks for their areas of interest. Once it gets to know the consumer’s area of interest, it starts generating the same type of content on social media to keep him engaged.
AI works the same way with e-commerce; it starts by watching the user’s preferences, and that’s how it gains in-depth insights into the consumer’s area and then starts offering user-centric products. This way, it paves the path for e-commerce businesses. Thus, this AI algorithm boosts the sale of e-commerce products significantly while providing complete satisfaction to the customer.
Predictive Analysis
The feature of AI helps the content creators predict the viral content spreading in the market. By using this feature, the content creators get a hint on what the audience is loving, and then they start making the content on the same lines. Basically, it helps in getting to know the targeted audience. This technique is also used in making online advertisements for any product, and finally, it helps in advertising the product.
Ai In The Entertainment Business
The objective of AI with respect to the entertainment sector is not very clear, but sometimes it helps in recognising subtitles, in the production of music, in the development of games, and others.
Generation Of Subtitles
Generating subtitles is another area where AI has shown its significant influence. By using machine learning algorithms and natural learning processes, AI is now capable of self-generating subtitles. This way the work of subtitling becomes easier. The content creator does not have to manually enter the subtitles by identifying the algorithms. AI automatically generates the subtitles in a much easier and faster way, and the generated titles are more accurate than those manually entered. YouTube is the prime example of the automatic generation of subtitles using AI.
Development Of Games
We must have come across NPCs (non-player characters) in which there is someone who is playing with us in the mobile game, that is, AI. It also works by watching your moves and responses in the game, and once it gets to know your move, it sets an algorithm, and then it knows what move you are going to play next based on your previous response. Ludo and Sudoku are the best examples of AI games. AI makes the games more interesting and thrilling; that is how it increases the usage of those games.
Production Of Music
AI also plays a significant role in the production of different kinds of music; it helps the composer generate original compositions through intelligent vocal synthesis. AI can also help with voice recognition. Also, there are an ample number of voice-over tools on the market that work with the help of AI.
In the previous decades, AI has been a great tool for the enhancement of the media and entertainment industries. Above given are some examples in which AI has been used in this industry; practically, humans cannot think of how many ways AI can be used to grow this industry. One rift that comes into the minds of humans is AI vs. humans; the question is whether AI is going to replace humans. It would not be strange to say that AI may replace human beings to some extent, but we should see AI as a helping hand and not as a contender for humans, because at last human beings are needed to operate on it or to come up with ideas in which AI can be used. Actually, they are smart allies that may help humans grow to greater heights.
Author: Ishan Anand, in case of any queries please contact/write back to us via email to chhavi@khuranaandkhurana.com or at Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorney.
- https://www.appletechsoft.com/the-applications-of-ai-in-the-entertainment-industry/
- https://www.infosysbpm.com/blogs/media-entertainment/use-of-ai-in-media-entertainment-industry.html#:~:text=And%20when%20streaming%20in%20real,advertisements)%20and%20increase%20profit%20margins.
- https://www.orientsoftware.com/blog/ai-in-entertainment/
- https://www.analyticssteps.com/blogs/6-applications-ai-entertainment-industry
- https://datamites.com/blog/artificial-intelligence-in-media-and-entertainment-industries/