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On2Cook India Private Limited, an Ahmedabad-based start-up, incorporated in the year 2022, recently launched its futuristic-looking patented cooking device under the brand name “On2Cook”. On2Cook cooking device as well the Company is the brainchild of the Designer, Inventor and Entrepreneur, Sanandan Sudhir (aka Sandy), who is keen on revolutionizing and disrupting the cooking Industry.
[Image Source: Freepic]
While it is true that the way towards a man’s heart is through their stomach, which means if you want someone to genuinely appreciate your bond and the relationship you share with them, all you must do is cook them a good, satisfying meal, and they will cherish you forever. But this requires a lot of thought in deciding the perfect dish, perfecting the recipe, and hours spent in Kitchen. Sandy’s On2Cook cooking device promises to gift its clientele the “time’ they deserve, whether all by themselves or with their family and friends, which otherwise gets lost in cooking that carefully prepared healthy meal. The patented device promises to not only reduce the cooking time by 50%-70% and save on power consumption, but it also manages to retain the nutrients that may otherwise get broken down when cooked at a temperature higher than the recommended temperature. Since the device is both, with and without AI-powered systems, it can even suggest to its clients, via its app, meals, and dishes suitable for this newly patented technology.
Recently, the talk of the town is that On2Cook India Private Limited completed its seed-funding round, with angel investor Dr. Mayur Desai, and Khurana and Khurana advised On2Cook as its Legal and IP Counsel for the instant investment and also for handling the complete IP portfolio of the Company. Tarun Khurana and Anubhav Gupta from K&K represented On2Cook.
Author: Harsha Aswani, Jr. Associate Litigation – Khurana & Khurana, Advocates & IP Attorneys, in case of any queries please contact/write back to us via email to chhavi@khuranaandkhurana.com