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IIPRD, along with Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys (K&K) has decided to play a supportive role in supporting the prospective candidates for patent agents in their pursuit for success in the upcoming Indian Patent Examination to be held on October 28th, 2018 by preparing the candidates exhaustively and comprehensively with regard to every single topic and infusing them with confidence required to achieve their dreams.
Any person who is authorised by law to deal with patent applications in order to facilitate inventors, can be regarded as patent agent. A patent agent can also be engaged in prevention of patent infringement and protection of patents[1]. He/ She may also provide with patentability opinions and play a vital role in preparation and filing of documents related to patent applications. Supporting inventors with completion and submission of patent related application paperwork, conducting prior art search, construction of legally enforceable claims with regards to inventor’s ownership of the invention, revision of rejected patent application and making a strategic decision for the optimum time frame for the maintenance of the application and when it would be suitable to abandon the application[2].
Last year, around 25000 applications were filed out which around 10000 patents were granted[3]. On carefully analysing the statement, if an application required 2 weeks for preparation for filing stage, with on an average 40 work weeks for a patent agent, this means that an agent can prepare around 20 applications a year. Further, as number of applications to be filed are bound to rise, there is a steady demand for patent agents.
However, the competition for the Examination is still intense and cut – throat owing to the gigantic and ever increasing population of the country. And this is where we step in, to transform prospective candidates into potential contenders, a cut above the crowd. We provide the candidates with a well experienced league of legends in the field of patent industry with decades of experience is just a away to clear out your path for victory. Leave no stone unturned! Do what is required!
This initiative comes with an earnest effort by IIPRD and its associates and leading sister Law Firm Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys (K&K) to enable more & more candidates to transform themselves into patent agents with promising career benefits.
Contact details:
(M): +91-8920269831
(T): (120) 4296878 , 4909201 , 4516201
Email: bhumika@khuranaandkhurana.com,