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The Brunei Intellectual Property Office (BruIPO) is an office under EIDPMO and is responsible for the administration and registration of Intellectual Property (IP) including Patents, Trade Marks, Industrial Designs and Plant Varieties Protection (PVP) [2]. In its efforts to enhance its services to the public, BruIPO has recently introduced a trademark ‘Search Kiosk’ at the Business Support Centre (BSC) at the Design & Technology Building (D&T) in Anggerek Desa. This service of search Kiosk enables general public to allow searching for trade mark via the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Global Brand Database (GBD) and the ASEAN TMView database. These services are freely accessible.
Along with Singapore and the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam currently maintains one of the shortest turnaround times for trademark registration in the region at less than six months [1] and has also been looking at a further growth of its trade mark services by introducing an online portal for e-filing of trademarks in the coming time and has already implemented the Madrid Protocol for the International filing for Registration of Marks [3].
BruIPO along with Search Kiosk also offers other Intellectual Property related services for Subject Matter Experts through their Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) that allows inventors & innovators to easily access local, high quality technology information and related services, with the target of helping these innovators to exploit their innovative potential and to create, protect, and manage their intellectual property rights [2]. Few of the services BruIPO provides through TISC comprises of assistance in searching and retrieving technology information; training in database search and basic information on industrial property laws; management and strategy as well as advice on technology commercialization and marketing.
It should be noted that detailed information on BruIPO’s services especially ‘Search Kiosk’ is available at their helpdesk at the Business Support Centre whilst downloadable information such as forms and fee schedule can be obtained from BruIPO’s webpage on the EIDPMO’s website at www.ei.gov.bn.
Author: Shilpi Saxena, Jr. Patent Associate at Khurana & Khurana Advocates and IP Attorneys can be reached at shilpi@iiprd.com.
[1] http://www.ei.gov.bn/Lists/Industry%20News/NewDispForm.aspx?ID=182