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We at IIPRD are glad to associate with a team of IP Enthusiasts who have developed an android-based mobile application called “VPATAPP”, and are happy to give a brief introduction of the same to our readers. This is first of its kind of offering on android play store and is available free of cost.
About the app:
VPATAPP is a simple tool which acts as a repository for the patent data across the globe. The app exclusively deals with the patent related resources across the globe and does not cover other forms of IPR. This tiny app is meant for patent professionals across the industries and academia. This app currently has seven different features:
- Patent Blogs: The app provides links to various IP blogs across the globe.
- Weblinks for Worldwide full time LLM/Masters/ Graduate courses in IP from USA, Europe, India, Singapore, Australia, Korea, Israel and South Africa.
- Various journals in the area of Intellectual Property Law especially patents;
- Weekly or monthly official gazettes or registers published by different patent offices across the world; Currently 54 countries/regions are covered under this tab.
- Patent classification systems;
- Patent search websites available from patent offices across the world; Currently 62 countries/regions are covered under this tab.
- Updated full text patent acts of different countries as published by the patent offices or WIPO; Currently 55 countries/regions are covered under this tab.
About the team of app developers:
A team of four IPR enthusiasts created the app. The team is led by Mr. Vijay kumar Shivpuje, whose profile can be accessed here: https://in.linkedin.com/pub/vijaykumar-shivpuje/14/50a/75a.
The second version of the app is under development and would be with added features and would be available in the month of December 2015.
The comments, feedback and reviews about the app are welcome to vijayksl123@gmail.com or can be sent directly to +91 9768665354.