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The Indian Patent Office is recognised as an International Searching Authority (ISA) and International Preliminary Examining Authority (IPEA) under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) w.e.f 15th October 2013. This is a major development and in itself is a huge responsibility as well for the Indian Patent Office (IPO). The IPO will now be examining the PCT applications and preparing and providing International Search Reports (ISRs) and International Preliminary Examination Reports (IPERs) to the Applicants. The official language for search and examination by the IPO will be English. Following is a schedule of fees to be charged by IPO while functioning as ISA and IPEA :-
Kind of fee or charge |
Amount(INR) |
Legal Entity | Individual | |
Search fee | 10000 (USD 161.9) | 2500 (USD 40.5) |
Additional fee | 10000 (USD 161.9) | 2500 (USD 40.5) |
Protest fee | 4000 (USD 64.8) | 1000 (USD 16.2) |
Late furnishing fee | 4000 (USD 64.8) | 1000 (USD 16.2) |
Preliminary examination fee
– where the international search report was issued by the Authority – in other cases |
10000 (USD 161.9)
12000 (USD 194.3) |
2500 (USD 40.5)
3000 (USD 48.6) |
Additional fee
– where the international search report was issued by the Authority – in other cases |
10000 (USD 161.9)
12000 (USD 194.3) |
2500 (USD 40.5)
3000 (USD 48.6) |
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