- AI
- Air Pollution
- Arbitration
- Asia
- Automobile
- Bangladesh
- Banking
- Biodiversity
- Biological Inventions
- bLAWgathon
- Brand Valuation
- Business
- Celebrity Rights
- Company Act
- Company Law
- Competition Law
- Constitutional Law
- Consumer Law
- Consumer Protection Authority
- Copyright
- Copyright Infringement
- Copyright Litigation
- Corporate Law
- Counterfeiting
- Covid
- Cybersquatting
- Design
- Digital Media
- Digital Right Management
- Dispute
- Educational Conferences/ Seminar
- Environment Law Practice
- ESIC Act
- EX-Parte
- Farmer Right
- Fashion Law
- FERs
- Foreign filing license
- Foreign Law
- Gaming Industry
- Geographical Indication (GI)
- GIg Economy
- Hi Tech Patent Commercialisation
- Hi Tech Patent Litigation
- India
- Indian Contract Act
- Indonesia
- Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Protection
- IP Commercialization
- IP Licensing
- IP Litigation
- IP Practice in India
- IPAB Decisions
- IT Act
- IVF technique
- Judiciary
- Khadi Industries
- labour Law
- Legal Case
- Legal Issues
- Lex Causae
- Licensing
- Live-in relationships
- Lok Sabha Bill
- Marriage Act
- Maternity Benefit Act
- Media & Entertainment Law
- Mediation Act
- Member of Parliament
- Mergers & Acquisition
- Myanmar
- News & Updates
- Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Online Gaming
- Patent Act
- Patent Commercialisation
- Patent Fess
- Patent Filing
- patent infringement
- Patent Landscape
- Patent Licensing
- Patent Litigation
- Patent Marketing
- Patent Opposition
- Patent Rule Amendment
- Patents
- Personality rights
- pharma
- Pharma- biotech- Patent Commercialisation
- Pharma/Biotech Patent Litigations
- Pollution
- Posh Act
- Protection of SMEs
- Sarfaesi Act
- Section 3(D)
- Signapore
- Social Media
- Sports Law
- Stamp Duty
- Stock Exchange
- Surrogacy in India
- Technology
- Telecom Law
- Telecommunications
- Thailand
- Trademark
- Trademark Infringement
- Trademark Litigation
- Trademark Registration in Foreign
- Traditional Knowledge
- Uncategorized
- Vietnam
- Women Empower
About the Symposiums: These Symposiums feature presentation of all important patent issues, as mentioned in the brochure, related to two different groups i.e. Business Development and Licensing Professionals on one hand and R&D Scientists & IP Professionals on the other hand. Both these symposiums for different groups would run concurrently in the different Conference Halls at two different halls of Hotel Hilton. Workshop will provide an opportunity to receive first-hand information including recent judgments on various issues from the experts in the fields.
About the Speakers: The speakers are a unique gathering of Patent Attorneys, Legal Counsels, and also include experts from the Commercial domain for Business Development Group, who have extensive years of experience in their professional fields. These Speakers will put across to the delegates a real insight of Patent Laws & Practices, and Commercial perspectives as prevalent and practiced in Europe, Japan, United States, and India.The speakers include:
- Chid Iyer, Partner at Sughrue Mion PLLC, USA
- Michael R. Dzwonczyk, Partner at Sughrue Mion PLLC, USA
- Steven M. Coyle, Parter at Cantor Colburn LLP, USA
- Jeffery Arnold, Partner at Cantor Colburn LLP, USA
- Leslie-Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Counsel at Cantor Colburn LLP, USA
- David E. Rodrigues, Ph.D., Partner at Cantor Colburn LLP, USA
- Toshio Nakamura, Patent Attorney at Fukami Patent Office, Japan
- Satsuki Ichikawa, Partner and Patent Attorney at Nakamura & Partners, Japan
- Thomas Friede, European and German Patent Attorney at Bardehle Pagenberg
- Wolfgang Bublak, Partner at Bardehle Pagenberg
- Vinod Khurana, Sr. Partner at Khurana & Khurana, India
- Tarun Khurana, Partner at Khurana & Khurana, India
Venue and Dates:
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