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IIPRD (Institute of Intellectual Property Research & Development) is happy to announce its International Symposium on Advanced Software, Electronics, and Business Method Patent issues. Presentation of all important Patent Issues relating to Prosecution and Enforcement Strategies, Identification of potential inventions, Types of claims allowed in each geography, and their relevance to the broadness of claims, Preparation of set of claims, including an experience sharing session on Drafting of Patent Applications, and Patent Prosecution can be expected from the speakers.
International symposium will be held at Mumbai on 4th Oct’ 2012 at Hilton Hotel and at Delhi on 5th Oct’ 2011 at Hotel Claridges. IIPRD is organizing the International Symposium in association with Birch Stewart Kolasch & Birch LLP, USA (BSKB), Carpmaels & Ransford, UK, and Khurana & Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys, India.
Key speakers include:
- Mr. Michael Mutter from BSKB, USA
- Mr. John Brunner from Carpmaels & Ransford, UK,
- Mr. Tarun Khurana from Khurana & Khurana.
- Speaker from Leading Indian R&D Organization (To be confirmed soon)
The speakers are a unique gathering of Patent Attorneys, who have extensive years of experience in their professional fields, and will put across to the delegates, a real insight of Patent Laws and Practices as prevalent and practiced in European Patent Office, United States, and India. The Workshop will provide an opportunity to receive first-hand information including recent Judgment on various issues from the experts in the fields. The speakers are selected such that the attendees can get to know the real insight and nitty-gritty followed at European, United States, and Indian Patent Offices. The speakers would share real-life cases and experiences that can help the attendees in following the best practices for building their respective patent portfolios. The speakers would also talk at length on the recent case laws and how courts of different geographies interpret the same application in different ways so that best practices for each geography can be put across.
About the Organizers:
IIPRD is a premier IP Consulting and Licensing Firm with a diversified business practice providing services in the domain of Commercialization, Valuation, Licensing, Transfer of Technology and Due-Diligence of Intellectual Property Assets along with providing complete IP and Patent Analytics and Litigation Support Services to Indian and International Corporates and Global Law Houses. IIPRD has been established precisely to assist the business houses in strategizing their growth by leveraging their IPR’s through effective Creation, Promotion, Protection, and Commercialization of IP. IIPRD has been a part of large number of Out-Licensing deals for technology companies in Pharmaceutical and Hi-Technology domains such as NCE’s, Formulations, and Process Patents in Pharma domain and Telecommunication/Network and Green Technologies. IIPRD has a legacy of twelve years of existence and is among the first Indian IP Firms to have core focus on Commercialization, Technology Transfer, and Licensing for numerous Indian and Global Corporate.
BSKB was founded in 1976 with the merger of Birch & Birch and Stewart & Kolasch, BSKB now employs over 200 people in offices located in Virginia, San Diego, California and Falls Church. BSKB has consistently ranked in the top five of all law firms worldwide in the number of U.S. patents issued by the USPTO and is also consistently ranked in the top 50 law firms in trademarks submitted. Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch, LLP (“BSKB”) is a highly respected international intellectual property law firm committed to obtaining and enforcing intellectual property rights for its clients. BSKB has been providing a full range of intellectual property services for over 30 years with specialization in chemistry, medical devices, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, healthcare, computer science and mechanical and electrical technologies for its internal clients.
Carpmaels & Ransford has been at the vanguard of intellectual property for over 200 years and is the oldest firm of patent attorneys in the United Kingdom. The product of expertise and experience, underpinned by a lot of hard work makes Carpmaels & Ransford a leader in the field for acquiring patent rights in Europe, and around the world. Clients include many European, US and Asian household names. The firm is also highly-regarded for its tenacity and expertise in European Patent Office opposition and appeal proceedings, with its skills being sought in patent actions before the UK courts and in pan-European enforcement. Broad-based technical expertise is organised into dedicated teams with key technical and professional skills specific to emerging and established industries. Developments in the law and technology are closely followed.This enables Carpmaels & Ransford to maintain the highest levels of service that global clients have come to expect.
Khurana & Khurana is more than a full service IP Law firm and is among the youngest Indian IP Law firms to have been ranked and recommended by Legal 500 and Managing IP. K&K was formed in the year 2006 with the very focus of providing End-to-End IP Legal Services along with its Sister Concern IIPRD, which supplement each other in order to provide end-to-end services to the corporate world in the IP Field. K&K and IIPRD, through their team of over 40 IP Attorneys and Practitioners, together form a niche in the IP domain by taking any corporate from the stage of IP Creation and Protection through its team of Attorneys to the stage of IP Valuation, Licensing, and Commercialization. Team of IP Attorneys/Practitioners having high level of technical and legal competence gives the right competitive edge and positioning to K&K as a law firm focused on creating immense IP value for its clients. K&K today represents global Corporates across geographies and technology domains and helps then successfully enforce, litigate, and protect their IP Portfolio in India.