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Protection of Small and Medium Enterprises in UK
Introduction The UK government defines SMEs as companies with fewer than 250 employees and an annual turnover of less than €50 million. Microbusinesses are those with fewer than 10 employees and an annual turnover of less than €2 million. Small businesses have fewer than 50 employees and an annual turnover of less than €10 million. … Continue reading Protection of Small and Medium Enterprises in UK
Read more »The Fugitive Bookie Sanjeev Chawla extradited to India
The magnate bookie and one of the prime accused in the Hansie-gate scandal, Sanjeev Chawla, has been extradited to India from the United Kingdom, 20 years after it rocked the entire cricket fraternity. This extradition is considered to be as the most high-profile extraditions under the 1992 India-UK Extradition Treaty. Sanjeev Chawla, a London-based businessman, … Continue reading The Fugitive Bookie Sanjeev Chawla extradited to India
Read more »“Should there be a single global institution with exclusive competence to conduct international negotiations on intellectual property rights? If so, should this be WIPO, the WTO or some other body?”
INTRODUCTION For harmonising IPRs at international level, providing common forum for negotiation and resolving disputes between members state we need single global institution. Earlier WIPO was the main forum for international negotiations of IPR and then WTO implemented TRIPs agreement came and become main forum replacing WIPO. Both these institutions working method is different, and … Continue reading “Should there be a single global institution with exclusive competence to conduct international negotiations on intellectual property rights? If so, should this be WIPO, the WTO or some other body?”
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