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“Trademark Turmoil | Bolt Technology vs. UJOY Technology | A Pivotal Case or a Potential Pitfall?”
Introduction The cases of transborder trademark infringement based on goodwill and reputation is nothing new in the world of IP litigation. The courts often find themselves at crossroad when dealing with such matters because of the moral dilemma that the case presents to them; whether to protect the domestic entities who are trying to make … Continue reading “Trademark Turmoil | Bolt Technology vs. UJOY Technology | A Pivotal Case or a Potential Pitfall?”
Read more »Toyota vs. Jidosha Kabushiki
Introduction Toyota claimed to have launched its product- a minivan, under the name Alphard in 2002, stating that they have been using it in China, Russia, Indonesia, Philippines and Japan. In India, Toyota has filed an application to register the mark on a “proposed to be used” basis, under class 12 (Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion … Continue reading Toyota vs. Jidosha Kabushiki
Read more »Trade Mark Infringement-Toyoto Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha. vs. M/S Prius Auto Industries Ltd. and Ors.
Time for Considering Territoriality Principle over Universality Principle Courts are gradually shifting their focus to territorial nature of Trade Marks. The same was also quite evident in the Exide case, that has been discussed in the previous blog (here). However, no conclusion was drawn in the case due to ‘out of court settlement’. But, the … Continue reading Trade Mark Infringement-Toyoto Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha. vs. M/S Prius Auto Industries Ltd. and Ors.
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