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Protection of Software Innovations in the UAE
Technology is the backbone of the entire digital world. The Software facilitates the flow of technologies throughout. The digital transformation is the core of today’s digital transformation and it goes hand in hand with the software development. Therefore, it is the responsibility and obligation of the software industry to develop new software-based technologies consistently and … Continue reading Protection of Software Innovations in the UAE
Read more »Should Ever-Greening Of Patents Prohibit Affordable Drugs?
A patent1 is given to a novel invention having utility value and does not appear obvious to a person skilled in the art. It is one of the important intellectual properties having tremendous economic potential. It awards economic monopoly (right to produce, sell, licence, import, assign, and use) to the patentee for a limited period … Continue reading Should Ever-Greening Of Patents Prohibit Affordable Drugs?
Read more »To Patent, Or Not To Patent, That Is The Question
The granting of secondary use patents in the pharmaceutical industry has become more prominent after the negotiations of the TRIPS Agreement in 1995. More and more secondary use patents have been granted, especially in developed countries. But, on the flip side, some firms tend to take advantage of secondary use patents in order to extend … Continue reading To Patent, Or Not To Patent, That Is The Question
Read more »IP Awareness Session Conducted at KJS College, Mumbai
Growth of a nation is majorly driven by the youth. Specifically for a country like India, that has more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 years, it is crucial to have Intellectual Property (IP) Awareness in order to protect ingenious innovations. Khurana and Khurana, Advocates and IP Attorneys along with its … Continue reading IP Awareness Session Conducted at KJS College, Mumbai
Read more »The Budding Patent Law in Myanmar
Myanmar, also known as Burma, a least developed country in mainland South-East Asia, is still in its embryonic phase of Intellectual Property Laws. The country is not presently a signatory to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property or any other treaty protecting patents. The Burma Patents and Designs (Emergency Provisions) Act 1946 … Continue reading The Budding Patent Law in Myanmar
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