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NFT’S And Indian Law
What are Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) NFT (Non-Fungible Token) are a digital assets that can be bought and sold online, usually with cryptocuurency. Understood as cryptographic assets, NFTs are usually a part of blockchains with a unique identification code and metadata that can be distinguished from one another. This is different from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies … Continue reading NFT’S And Indian Law
Read more »Metaverse is a virtual reality world
Introduction Metaverse is a virtual reality world in which people are supposed to socialize, play, and work and is composed of online, shared and persistent digital spaces. It is considered as the successor of mobile internet. With the technological developments, our virtual lives and our real lives are getting mixed and intertwined. Metaverse will be … Continue reading Metaverse is a virtual reality world
Read more »NFT and Its Relationship with IPR
Introduction The non-fungible tokens [hereinafter referred to as “NFTs” have been the talk of the town for a decade now. They can have multiple use cases, given the ability to foster innovation and produce revenue for both creators and purchasers. Nevertheless, as the creative work enters the NFT market, the deal comes with the issue … Continue reading NFT and Its Relationship with IPR
Read more »Whose Work Is It Anyway? -Non-Fungible Tokens and Its Tryst With Copyrights
The horizons of what could be achieved with technology has stretched farther than we could imagine. When Christopher Torres, the creator of the ‘Nyan Cat’ gif, published its corresponding token through the crypto-art platform foundation, he did not have the slightest idea that it would sell for over 300 ETH (approximately equal to $590,000). Similarly, … Continue reading Whose Work Is It Anyway? -Non-Fungible Tokens and Its Tryst With Copyrights
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