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Correct Interpretation of section 107A of the Indian Patents Act: Judgement in Bayer Vs. Natco & Alembic
In a recent decision, the Divisional bench of Delhi high court has dealt with correct interpretation of Section 107A of the Patents Act, 1970, commonly known as the Bolar provision.The ruling came as a result of two appeals made by Bayer Corp. Ltd. against the Natco Pharma and Alembic Pharmaceuticals for infringement of its patents … Continue reading Correct Interpretation of section 107A of the Indian Patents Act: Judgement in Bayer Vs. Natco & Alembic
Read more »Research Exemption in Indian Patent Law
The research or experimental use exemption permits researchers and product manufacturers to make certain use of a patented invention. The general idea behind this exemption is that it sets boundaries to patent holder rights such that the patent holder cannot prevent third parties from undertaking certain activities with respect to the patented invention. In pharmaceutical … Continue reading Research Exemption in Indian Patent Law
Read more »First Compulsory License Grant in India to Natco
The Controller General of India passed an order of compulsory license (CL) against Bayer’s patent on drug Nexavar on March 09, 2012, which is India’s first compulsory license and is resulting from India’s first CL application filed by Natco last year which was reported and discussed by us. The complete CL order is available at … Continue reading First Compulsory License Grant in India to Natco
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