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State Sovereignty in The Contemporary World
INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS The very notion of sovereignty is, by its nature, closely related to the birth and growth of the modern nation-state system. The Westphalian model of international relations, dating back to the 17th century, had definitely established the concept of state sovereignty as the basis of the international order. The Westphalian model, that placed … Continue reading State Sovereignty in The Contemporary World
Read more »International Law Governing the Armed Conflict between Russia and Ukraine
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine in 2022 raised significant concerns regarding the use of force and the principles of international law that govern it. The conflict began in February 2022 when Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine, citing concerns for the safety and security of ethnic Russians living in Ukraine. However, the use … Continue reading International Law Governing the Armed Conflict between Russia and Ukraine
Read more »Responsibility of Russia for Their Invasion on Ukraine
Primarily, for establishing that Russia has committed an “Internationally Wrongful Act”, the conduct in question must be attributed to Russia in the first place, and secondly, there must be a breach of an International obligation by Russia.[i] The International law on the responsibility of states is articulated in ARSIWA, which stands for Articles on the … Continue reading Responsibility of Russia for Their Invasion on Ukraine
Read more »Online Dispute Resolution: Universal Remedy or an Implementation Façade
Online Dispute Resolution (“ODR”) is a method of resolving disputes by integrating different sets of technologies, enhancing the core process of Alternate Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) and effectively settling disputes.[1] The need for timely and effective settlement of disputes gave way to the development of ADR. At present, the world is witnessing post-pandemic effects of pushing … Continue reading Online Dispute Resolution: Universal Remedy or an Implementation Façade
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