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Delhi High Court Upholds Roche’s Patent Claims on Lung Cancer Drug (Tarceva) against Cipla
A division bench of Delhi High Court on 27th Nov 2015 held that the Indian drug manufacturer Cipla infringed Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche’s patent on Erlotinib hydrochloride, marketed under the name of “Tarceva”. Roche was granted a patent in India on Erlotinib hydrochloride (Tarceva) in 2007. Roche sued Cipla for patent infringement in January 2008 … Continue reading Delhi High Court Upholds Roche’s Patent Claims on Lung Cancer Drug (Tarceva) against Cipla
Read more »Revocation of Valganciclovir patent by Controller of Patents, Chennai
Recently in a matter remanded from IPAB to Controller of Patents, Chennai, a decision of revoking Roche’s patent IN207232 for Valganciclovir was delivered after hearing both the parties. The subject patent was granted on January, 2009 followed which post grant oppositions were separately filed by CIPLA, Matrix, Ranbaxy and Bakul Pharma along with two NGOs … Continue reading Revocation of Valganciclovir patent by Controller of Patents, Chennai
Read more »Section 3(D) of Indian Patent Act Strikes Again
India revoked yet another drug patent granted to a German MNC, Boehringer Ingelheim, for its respiratory drug, Spiriva (crystalline tiotropium bromide monohydrate) at a time when the US is putting pressure on the Indian government for not providing adequate patent protection to multinational drug companies. In its decision, the patent office held that Boehringer failed … Continue reading Section 3(D) of Indian Patent Act Strikes Again
Read more »CIPLA & BMS may settle patent dispute over Entecavir in India
US based pharma major Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) and Indian pharma company Cipla Ltd. are heading towards an amicable settlement on a long-stretched patent dispute concerning BMS’ hepatitis B drug Entecavir, a leading anti-viral drug for Hepatitis B patients that brings in more than a billion dollars each year globally for BMS. Entecavir, being a pre-1995 … Continue reading CIPLA & BMS may settle patent dispute over Entecavir in India
Read more »News Snippet: Novartis sues Cipla for infringement of patents covering “Onbrez”
In a latest update, Novartis has sued Cipla for infringing its patents on “Onbrez” (Indacaterol) after Cipla lunched its generic version for Indacaterol in October claiming “urgent unmet need” for the drug in India. Earlier, as we have reported here, Cipla approached Govt. of India to exercise its statutory powers to revoke the five patents … Continue reading News Snippet: Novartis sues Cipla for infringement of patents covering “Onbrez”
Read more »CIPLA’s plea for revocation of Novartis Patents for Onbrez may face major set back by the Government
As reported in TOI, the Indian Government has found very little merit in Cipla’s plea for waiver and cancellation of Patent rights for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) drug over which Novartis has exclusive rights. We have reported on Cipla’s plea here. Background: Cipla, previously approached the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) to … Continue reading CIPLA’s plea for revocation of Novartis Patents for Onbrez may face major set back by the Government
Read more »Cipla Files Representation with Govt. Seeking Revocation of Novartis’ Patents
It has been recently reported in Economic times that Cipla has filed representation with the government (Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion) seeking revocation of five patents of Novartis on indacaterol, a respiratory drug for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and marketed as Onbrez by Novartis. The central government, under section 66 … Continue reading Cipla Files Representation with Govt. Seeking Revocation of Novartis’ Patents
Read more »Smart Strategizing – Protection by shielding through Patent Evergreening in Pharmaceutical Domain with special reference to Roche v Cipla
Pankaj Mohanta, an intern at Khurana and Khurana talks about patent evergreening in the pharmaceutical domain. Through this post, he gives special emphasis on the recent landmark case of Roche v Cipla, which created quite a stir in the pharmaceutical industry. Needless to say, patent evergreening is that territory which falls in a bit of … Continue reading Smart Strategizing – Protection by shielding through Patent Evergreening in Pharmaceutical Domain with special reference to Roche v Cipla
Read more »Roche v Cipla: Part 2: Infringement
In continuation of the last piece over here, let’s now discuss the actual issue of infringement of IN ‘774 patent by Cipla crisply. My apologies for a long delay in writing this piece due to long travelling schedule and back-to-back heavy projects thereafter. Nevertheless, it is better to be late than never. Here it goes. … Continue reading Roche v Cipla: Part 2: Infringement
Read more »Roche v Cipla: Part 1: Validity of Patent
In continuation of our previous post here, and following the availability of the 275 page judgement, we would discuss herein the various facets of the case and discuss one by one. This case actually involved two main issues as follows, Issue I. Whether Roche’s Indian Patent 196774 is invalid (liable to be revoked under S. … Continue reading Roche v Cipla: Part 1: Validity of Patent
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