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How Do Virtual Businesses Ensure Intellectual Property Protection?
INTRODUCTION Intellectual Property as we can derive from the term, is any asset that is the creation of human intellect. It is intangible in nature and every original creator of such property has the right to protect the same. This idea has facilitated the evolution of the Intellectual Property protection regime and laws. While in … Continue reading How Do Virtual Businesses Ensure Intellectual Property Protection?
Read more »IPR Vis- à- Vis Traditional Knowledge
What is Traditional Knowledge? Knowledge base which is developed by indigenous, local or native community has been preserved and passed on to generations, so much so, that it becomes the identity of such community. Traditional knowledge can be found in variety of concepts such as calculation of time, food article, plant properties, spice uses, yoga … Continue reading IPR Vis- à- Vis Traditional Knowledge
Introduction The global econoamy is trending towards an era of protectionism as can be seen from policies such as “Make America Great Again” and “Make in India”, thereby increasing the significance on exports and the manufacturing sector. As a corollary effect, the importance of Intellectual Property (IP) protection also increases due to the need to … Continue reading INDIA’S PROTECTION TO SECRETS OF TRADE
Omnibus is a Latin word meaning ‘For all, for everyone’. The dictionary defines omnibus as ‘A printed anthology of the works of one author or of writings on related subjects’. The key discussion in this article will be pertaining to omnibus claims as relevant to a Patent application, their significance, scope and current status of … Continue reading OMNIBUS CLAIMS
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