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Defending IPL From Ambush Marketing Strategies
Introduction Sports play a massive role in everyone’s lives as a source of entertainment and unparalleled passion, contributing to 5% GDP of world’s economy[1]. Sports industry is one of the biggest industries across globe now owing to people’s increasing interest in the same. One such example is the popular Indian Premier League of cricket in … Continue reading Defending IPL From Ambush Marketing Strategies
Read more »Gender Inequality in Salaries Given to Athletes
Over the years, there have always been various issues in regard to the difference in salaries or payments paid to men and women. This has been there in every field, where men are paid more than women in various instances in spite of both of them doing equal amounts of work and contributing equally. The … Continue reading Gender Inequality in Salaries Given to Athletes
Read more »Sports Law in India
Introduction India is a place that is known for umpteen games. While sports like cricket have been pursued like a religion, present occasions have achieved a dynamic and numerous different games are being pursued currently more than ever. As the type of amusement has developed significantly and India has turned into an overflowing scene for … Continue reading Sports Law in India
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