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Circulation of E-Newspaper: Infringement Under Copyright Law
Dissemination of e-newspapers on Telegram has raised a copyright debate under the steady gaze of the Delhi High Court. Because of CoVID-19 limitations coming into power, actual dispersion and house-to-house conveyance of papers got cruelly affected. As this issue surfaced most paper sites began offering free preliminaries on their individual sites by the methods for … Continue reading Circulation of E-Newspaper: Infringement Under Copyright Law
Read more »Copyright Ownership of Abandonware
There are several old versions of different software no longer distributed or supported by their owners as they tend to shift their focus to the newer versions and find these older versions less profitable. “Abandonware” is the name given to refer to these old versions. In common parlance, the term is used to denote “out-of-print” … Continue reading Copyright Ownership of Abandonware
Read more »Softwares Copyrightable Under The Indian Copy Right Act
Introduction Computer instructions that tell the computer how to work is software. Software is an extremely sensitive creation for the creator. Software is at risk at every stage of its construction. There is a risk of the creation getting stolen, hacked or leaked. Once such a calamity happens the creation is compromised. The drawbacks of … Continue reading Softwares Copyrightable Under The Indian Copy Right Act
Read more »Netflix Documentary Stirs The Copyright Cauldron
The practice and philosophy of Yoga is millions of years old. The Bhagavat Gita propounds that “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self to the self.” Yoga is deeply entwined in the heritage and culture of India and is inseparable from its spiritual history. It was in the 20th century that yoga … Continue reading Netflix Documentary Stirs The Copyright Cauldron
Read more »Monkey Selfie-Legal Aspects
Background David J. Slater is a British wild life photographer from Gloucestershire who ventured to an Indonesian jungle in 2011 to take photos of extremely rare crested black macaque monkeys. As he narrated the story to the telegraph, he told “They were quite mischievous, jumping all over my equipment and it looked like they were … Continue reading Monkey Selfie-Legal Aspects
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